Northeast Resource Group, Inc.
PO Box 6294, Plymouth, MA 02362
Transformer Retrofit
If your interest is in a potential transformer retrofit project, the first step is to develop an accurate list of existing dry-type distribution transformers.
Like the image to the left, these are the transformers found in various electrical closets and electrical equipment rooms throughout most commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.
The second step is to perform a load profile and performance analysis.
The original schedule of transformers installed when the building was first built would appear on the electrical plans/drawing that may be available to you which is a great place to start. Depending on the age of the building, this may not be accurate due to changes over the years and would need to be verified by a walk-through of the facility. We would be available to assist in this effort.
Once this is done we'll be able to provide a budgetary estimate , based on the list of transformers currently in use, of savings potential and project cost as well as the amount of potential electric company incentives that would be used to help pay for the completed project.
Power Factor Correction
If your interest is in a possible new Power Factor Correction project or to repair or service an existing system we simply need a copy of your most recent 12 months electrical invoices to analyze and answer some basic questions. Please contact us for more information. CONTACT US
We'll perform a no cost analysis of your electrical invoices to determine the potential cost savings associated with a power factor improvement and a budgetary project cost estimate based on the information we get from your usage data and by answering a few questions.
You can also visit our Power Factor website for more information at
Electrical Testing & IR Scanning Service and Equipment Testing
If your interest is in purchasing AEMC electrical testing equipment, or having us perform electrical testing or IR scanning of your electrical gear at your facility, please contact us to discuss the details of your situation and we will schedule a no-cost site visit.